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Explore your relevant visitors with Lead Score model

Services we provided


The goal was to streamline digital communication on user journey for lead generation activities among HB Reavis real estate projects. The outcomes are optimization of marketing expenses and boosted performance.


By understanding individual user behavior among 11 websites we identify key interactions with digital content. Up to 20 key interactions determine if the user will ever become a lead.

Data management

We have created a “Lead Score model” which is assigning a score to each visitor based on attributes in an ideal digital journey. Based on the user score we can guide the user to create interactions to become a relevant lead.

High quality communication relationship with existing and future clients

HB Reavis is an international company providing workspace increasing productivity and wellbeing. Internationally.

Their portfolio includes a number of interesting real estate projects as Nivy Station Bratislava, Agora Budapest, One Waterloo London as well as value added services such as Symbiosy.

As HB Reavis establishes and maintains a high-quality communication relationship with existing and future clients, their goal is to identify the potential applicants for the project in advance and to support their interest by appropriate targeted communication.

Understand the differences between behavior of the lead and the rest of the website visitors

Within our cooperation with company HB Reavis we are tracking all online activities of individual user among 11 project websites and its digital communication.

For this purpose, we used the combination of two different technologies for personalization and automation of marketing and sales communication and processes (Exponea and Hubspot). The main goal was to understand the differences between the behavior of the lead and the rest of the website visitors. Therefore we have created a visitor rating system “Lead Score model” (interested visitors relevance score) which is assigning a score to the visitor based on attributes in the ideal digital journey within Exponea technology. The relevance score can also be interpreted as a probability to reach the goal (conversion).

Lead Score



The Lead Score model is calculating up to 20 different attributes
which describes user behavior in digital environment. The selection of these attributes, such as time spent by viewing the project, number of repeated visits, or the interaction with native, sales or marketing content was done based on differences in behavior between relevant leads and other anonymous users



The main output of the project is real time automatically calculated score for all digital users which represents the user probability to convert. Beside the ability to identify a potential future customers the most important outputs are customized communication scenarios for the individual users according to the level of their score


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